Bayfair Florist for Bouquets, Roses, Boxed Arrangements, Gift Baskets, Sympathy Flowers and more at Affordable Prices in Mount Maunganui, Papamoa, Te Puke and Tauranga

Bayfair Florist Normal Working Hours
Monday 8.30am - 4.30pm
Tuesday - Friday 8.30am - 5.00pm
Saturday 8.30am - 12.00pm, Closed Sunday.

--- Bayfair Florist Temporarily Closed,

Shop Closed for Maintenance - Monday, 20 January 2025 unti 28 January

Sorry, our Shop will be closed from Sunday the 19th of January 2025 until the Tuesday the 28th of January- We will be reopening on Tuesday. We appologise for the inconvience

Bayfair Florist Create Professional Floral Designs

Buy designer bouquets, floral arrangements, roses, gourmet baskets and plants, corporate floral arrangements and wedding bouquets from Bayfair Florist for delivery within the Tauranga District, including Mt. Maunganui, Papamoa, Te Puke, Tauranga and Katikati. We are Tauranga’s favourite florist. Great personalized, prompt service and delivery. Let us create your special bouquet for any occasion.
Shop On-Line

Our Most Popular Bouquets, Arrangements,Gift Baskets and Boxed Gifts

Our On-Line Store Accepts

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We Also Represent

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Bayfair Florist

Customer Testimonial

 Maree Woodhouse

Bayfair Florist has been my florist since I arrived in Tauranga from Hamilton 20 years ago. I can truly say that Bayfair Florist has fulfilled my requirements every time and they go the extra mile to make sure that my requests are met with every detail taken care of. The team at Bayfair Florist are very friendly and so easy to deal with and I will continue to use them.

- Maree Woodhouse
(07) 575 8273 - Call Us


3 Williams Drive,
Te Puke, 3119.


Monday - Friday
Monday - Friday
9.00am - 5.00pm
hours Saturday
9.00am - 12.30pm